Friday, June 10, 2016

On This Day, 11 Years Ago, I Became a Dad

11 years ago today, I became the proudest man there ever was, as this amazing young man made me a father. On this day, I celebrate him.  If I could go back in time and tell me to do one thing different on that day, it would be to have journaled the thoughts and feelings I experienced.  As I sit here and reminisce from over 7,000 miles away, I possess not the words to express the love I feel for this boy.  What an incredible soul he is.
On that day, not only did I become a father, but my dad became a grandfather, and my mom a grandmother.  As of today, he is the only one in the family that can carry on our last name.....unless my brothers.....well....never mind.  That would mean Tyler has to be a dad, and I'm not sure the world is ready for that.

I remember the day we let my parents know.  We imbedded their Christmas presents with indicators to see if they would catch on.   They opened them at the same time.  Dad got a shirt that said "Super Grandpa", and mom got a personally decorated coffee mug that said "World's Best Gma".  Wendy and I were full of anxious energy as they studied their gifts and simply couldn't put 2 and 2 together.  Mom thought the print on the cup was an error, but didn't have the heart to tell us we messed up and wrote Gma instead of mom.  Dad, in all of his coolness just said thanks and set it aside.  They still had no idea.  We let it slide for the next few minutes.  My sister, Megan, knew right away, but kept silent.  Eventually, I asked mom if she read what the cup said, to which she replied, "yeah, but shouldn't it say World's Best Mom"?  When I said "no", it finally clicked.  Dad jumped out of his chair shook my hand, we embraced, and he congratulated us.  It was a moment I will never forget.

As I peruse these photos of Mikey with my dad, I'm reminded of everything I need to be as a father.  This man loved his grandchildren above all except his wife.  Every time we came to visit, you could see his countenance shine with joy and pride.  

Invariably, the most important thing he taught Michael was to love the Green Bay Packers.  For his first Father's Day as a grandpa, we bought him a brick that now lays in the sidewalk surrounding Lambeau Field.  It reads, "Happy Father's Day to an New Grandpa.  Ed Bucy 2005"  And how fitting it was that when I took Michael to his first Packers game last year, he was the one who found the brick.....the boy who made my dad a grandfather.  The bond between those 2 was special.  No other kid would be his first grandchild.

I don't even know where to start with this kid.  He is a perfect compilation of both Wendy and I, effectively getting the best parts of both of us.  I've never crossed a kid his age with his level of intelligence.  He consistently outpaces his entire peer group.  This past year when his class would play math games, his teacher would purposely make him sit out so other kids stood a chance.  But it's not only math he excels's every single academic discipline.  I'd like to think those abilities are a conglomeration of both gene pools.   Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit.

He loves his aunts and uncles.  Once again, he was the pioneer on both sides of the family for making them such.  I'm limited on what photos I have here in Iraq so can only add those that I have.  Suffice it to say they love him too.  Skip Neil, Looney Meg, and Gay Tyler.....don't ask, just roll with it.

Much like me, Michael LOVES all things outdoors.  If it were his choice, we'd be camping and riding dirt bikes every day.  There are few things in life he loves to do as much as come to dad's house where we're surrounded by nature, the smell of 2-stroke and 4-stroke exhaust, chainsaws, power tools, big trucks, guns, golf, and his bow and arrows.  Long after his sisters park their bikes, he'll spend hours ripping up the track around my house.  We love to chase each other through the pasture and trees.  From the first days I could safely get him on  dirt bike he was being prepped for a life long skill that very few people will ever cultivate.  

Mikey's love for sports is a love also derived from both gene pools.  I marvel at his drive and determination at such a young age, to not only be the absolute best he can be, but also better than his teammates and opponents.  However, there are other attributes this kid possesses that I simply cannot take credit for.  The incredible imagination he has, and his ability to think outside binary code and black/white only, definitely do not come from me.  I guarantee this kid has read more books in one year than I have read my entire life.  Wendy has taught each of our children creativity and a love for reading.  Any free time he has (without electronic media) will usually be spent with his nose is some fantasy novel like Lord of the Rings, Fablehaven, Percy Jackson, or Harry Potter.  There is no doubt that his love for reading has helped propel his educational development.  I take no credit for any of that.

The gist of all this is, I couldn't be more proud of this little man.  Everyday I wake, he inspires me to be a better person, man, and father.   The reality is I am a blessed man to have him as my son.  While I've not been a model dad, and have oft times fallen short of my duties as a father, I strive everyday to be the best for him and his sisters that I can be.  I've only gone through half a box of Kleenex as I look through these pictures of him with my dad, and think about how I can't be with him to celebrate his day today.  Michael B, know that I love you brother bear, and that you bring a tremendous light to my life.  A particular light that only you can bring.  I love the times we get to spend together.  I love the way you love your sisters and the desire you have to do good in this life.  I admire your heart and drive to serve others.  I hope to be the father to you that Grandpa Ed was to me.  I hope you look to me for inspiration and you seek me out for counsel when you need it.  While not always physically at your side, I will be there for you whenever you need me.  B.....I love you.

More pics just for good measure

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